Picture of Dr. Ajay K. Agrawal

Robert F. Barfield Endowed Professor

3072-C SERC
 (205) 348-4964
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Professor Ajay K. Agrawal is Robert F. Barfield Endowed Chair Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at The University of Alabama (UA) since 2005. His current research focuses on rotating detonation combustion, high-pressure fuel sprays, diesel combustion, liquid fuel atomization, thermo-acoustic instabilities, and in general, low-emission combustion systems for propulsion, power generation, and industrial processes. His research has been supported by DOE, NASA, Army, Navy, Air Force, NSF, US Department of Education, among others. He holds 3 U.S. patents and has authored over 100 journal papers, and over 200 conference publications. He has supervised 23 PhD graduates, and 10 PhD students are currently working under him. Prof. Agrawal served as Chair of US Sections of the Combustion Institute and as chair of ASME Turbo Expo Coal, Biomass, and Alternative Fuels (CBAF) Committee. Professor Agrawal is Fellow of ASME, Fellow of The Combustion Institute, and Associate Fellow of AIAA. He has received the top awards given to a faculty member across all disciplines at UA, including the Blackmon-Moody award for innovation in 2013, Burnum Distinguished Faculty Award in 2020, SEC Faculty leadership award in 2022, and T. Morris Hackney Endowed Faculty Leadership award in 2023.

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