Picture of Dr. Joshua Bittle

Associate Professor - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Associate Director – Center for Advanced Vehicle Technologies

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Joshua A. Bittle is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Associate Director for the Center for Advanced Vehicle Technologies (CAVT) at The University of Alabama (UA). After receiving PhD from Texas A&M University in 2014 with a focus on advanced combustion modes for diesel engines, Prof. Bittle joined UA directly and has expanded research focuses to include fundamental studies of fuel-air ignition and mixing using high-speed optical diagnostics, diesel engine efficiency and emissions mitigation through controls and engine architecture changes, and systems level engineering of transportation systems including connected vehicle automation and traffic signal optimization for energy management.

Professor Bittle’s research has been supported by DOE, DOT, Army, NSF, US Department of Education, among others. He has 1 patent pending and has authored over 60 referred journal and conference publications. He has supervised 6 PhD graduates, and 4 PhD students are currently working under him. Professor Bittle is an Associate of the Internal Combustion Engines Division (ICED) of ASME and has been involved in many organizational roles for ASME ICED and Combustion Institute.






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