Picture of Allen Loper

Research Engineer

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Allen Loper has served as a research engineer for over 12 years, supporting professors and graduate students in their research within the University of Alabama’s Engines and Combustion Lab. He earned his BS and MS degrees in Mechanical Engineering in 1990 and 1993. He has completed his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering at UA in 2024, with emphasis in the area of diesel engine fueling techniques,
Prior to joining the Engines and Combustion team at UA, Allen’s career included process and machine design engineering roles in the manufacturing industry.
Publications include:

Loper, G. A. Investigation of Diesel Injection Spray Characteristics with Comparison of Central and Peripheral Injection, PhD Dissertation, The University of Alabama, April 2024.
Loper, G. A., Bogdanowicz, E., Bittle, J., Agrawal, A. K., “Jet Development and Penetration of a Multi-Hole Diesel Injector in a Constant Volume, Low Temperature Chamber,” 11th U.S. National Combustion Meeting Organized by the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, March 24-27, 2019, Pasadena, California
Loper, G. A. and S. R. Bell “Simulation of a Spark Ignited Engine,” The 1994 ASME ETCE, New Orleans, LA.
Loper, G. A. An Investigation of Natural Gas Fueling of a Spark Ignited Reciprocating Engine, Thesis, The University of Alabama. May 1993.
Bell, S. R., G. A. Loper, and M. Gupta “Combustion Characteristics of a Natural Gas Fueled Spark Ignited Engine,” The 1993 ASME ETCE, Houston, TX.
Loper, G. A. and S. R. Bell “Acquisition and Interpretation of Data from a Spark Ignited Reciprocating Engine,” The 1992 ASEE Southeastern Section Conference Proceedings.
Loper, G. A. and D. M. Davis “Liquefied Natural Gas Conversion of a GMC Pickup Truck,” The 1991 SAE NGV Competition Proceedings.

Research Labs