Picture of Allen Parker

Research Scientist

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Allen Parker is a research scientist in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alabama (UA), a role which he began in Fall 2024. He works on several projects within the Engines and Combustion Lab, including fundamental and applied research funded by US Departments of Transportation, Defense, and Energy. Within engines research, his specialty is in using optical techniques to record and statistically analyze fine details of diesel injection, mixing, and combustion. He received his PhD for this work in 2022 from the University of Alabama.
Allen has also worked in the fields of nuclear power generation, with Southern Nuclear, and optics research and testing, with the U.S. Army’s Night Vision Labs. Between those and his academic works, he has authored 8 journal papers and numerous conference papers since 2021. These include prestigious publications within the combustion science community, like the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute and Combustion and Flame. Conference work has been presented in the combustion (ASME) and optics (SPIE) fields and has received ‘Best Paper’ recognitions in each.

Research Labs