Picture of Hariraja Thothadri

M.S. Student

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Hariraja Thothadri is currently a master’s student and researcher at the Engines and Combustion Lab. He experiments with novel dual-fuel combustion (DFC) strategies to increase diesel engine performance and reduce engine out emissions. His primary research is centered around investigating the optimal location of the 50% combustion event (CA50) in DFC with various oxygenated fuels on heavy-duty diesel engines. Moreover, he is developing a strategy to precisely control CA50 location in real-time. Before joining ECL, he worked as a maintenance engineer in the field of heavy-duty hydraulics and pneumatics presses. Hariraja completed his BE in Mechanical Engineering in India.


  • Narayanan, A., Silvagni, G., Mundy,S., Babu, Y.B., Thothadri, H., Lucas, S., Windom, B., Krishnan, S.R., Srinivasan, K.K., Evaluation of dipropyl oxymethylene ether as a renewable alternative fuel in a heavy-duty compression ignition engine (Manuscript prepared. Under Internal Review).
  • Narayanan, A., Silvagni, G., Thothadri, H., Collins, N.,Puzinauskas, P., Ravaglioli, V., Ponti, F., Srinivasan, K.K. , Krishnan, S.R., Correlating Cycle-Resolved Unburned Hydrocarbon Emissions With Low Load Cyclic Variations in Diesel – NG Dual Fuel Combustion, ASME ICEF 2023 – 110450 (Poster presentation)






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