Picture of John O’Donnell

Postdoctoral Fellow

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John O’Donnell is a postdoctoral researcher in the Engines and Combustion Lab (ECL) at The University of Alabama (UA) as part of the University’s Center for Advanced Vehicle Technology. John joined the ECL in Summer 2023 and has been working to support engine controller development and optimization efforts. He applies advanced control and optimization techniques for the purposes of developing engine controllers and communication platforms. His research interests include methods to characterize and predict multi-modal, continuous failure states at the component-level of automotive systems, the practical application of artificial intelligence techniques in engineering prototyping, characterization and optimization of engineering design and prototyping, human-machine interaction in engineering design, modularization of product design, additive manufacturing, and consumer product customization via machine-assisted design interfaces. John completed his BS, MS, and PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alabama

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