
Combustion Labs

High-Pressure Sprays

Research Examples

Related Publications

  • Shawn A. Reggeti, Allen Parker, Anna Stevenson, Ajay K. Agrawal, Joshua Bittle, 2024, “Spatially resolved soot evolution and statistics in high-pressure diesel spray flames using two-color pyrometry,” Combustion and Flame. Volume 261, Paper 11329.
  • Harris, Zack, Bittle, J., and Agrawal, A.K., 2024, “Fuel Injector Requirements to Achieve Supercritical Flow at the Exit,” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power,, Nov 2023.
  • James, A.M., and Agrawal, A.K., 2023. Spatially resolved chemiluminescence imaging of multiple combustion species using a single high-speed camera. Measurement Science and Technology, 34(12), p.125305.
  • Parker, A., Agrawal, A. and Bittle, J., 2023, “Representative Phenomena of Cyclic Turbulent Combustion in High-Pressure Fuel Sprays,” Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 111(2), pp.675-696.
  • Wanstall, C.T., Bittle, J.A. and Agrawal, A.K., 2023. Phase diagram to demarcate supercritical, transcritical, and continuous phase regimes for binary fluid equilibrium mixing relevant to combustion applications. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 199, p.105935, featured article for August 2023 issue of the journal.
  • Parker, A., Reggeti, S.A., Bittle, J.A. and Agrawal, A.K., 2023. Limitations of cetane number to predict transient combustion phenomena in high-pressure fuel sprays. Combustion and Flame, vol. 251, p.112723.
  • Reggeti, S., Agrawal, A.K. and Bittle, J., 2022, Robust Two-Colour Pyrometry Uncertainty Analysis to Acquire Spatially-Resolved Measurements, Measurement Science and Technology, 33, 125201 (13pp),
  • Wanstall, C.T., Bittle, J.A. and Agrawal, A.K., 2022, Transient mixing behavior of a supercritical fluid injected into supercritical and subcritical environments, Physics of Fluids, 34(2), p.023104.
  • Harris, Z., Bittle, J. and Agrawal, A., 2022, Role of Inlet Boundary Conditions on Fuel-Air Mixing at Supercritical Conditions. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 144(6), p.062302.
  • Reggeti, S.A., Parker, A., Wanstall, C.T., Agrawal, A.K. and Bittle, J.A., 2021, Comparing Global Spray Combustion Characteristics and Local Shot-to-Shot Variations in a Reacting n-Heptane Spray, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 143(9), p.091018.
  • Wanstall, C.T., Bittle, J.A. and Agrawal, A.K., 2021, Quantitative Concentration Measurements in a Turbulent Helium Jet using Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry, Experiments in Fluids, 62(3), pp.1-13.
  • Parker, A., Wanstall, C., Reggeti, S., Bittle, J., and Agrawal, A.K., 2020, Simultaneous Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry and OH* Chemiluminescence Imaging of a Diesel Spray Flame in Constant Pressure Flow Rig, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38(4), pp.5557-5565.
  • Christopher Wanstall, C. T., Agrawal, A. K., and Bittle, J. A., 2020, Implications of Real-Gas Behavior on Refractive Index Calculations for Optical Diagnostics of Fuel-Air Mixing at High Pressures, Combustion and Flame, 214, pp.47-56.
  • Christopher Wanstall, Henning Junne, Joshua A. Bittle, and Ajay K. Agrawal, 2019, A Robust Statistical Algorithm for Boundary Detection in Liquid Sprays, Atomization and Sprays, 29(12).
  • Christopher Wanstall, C. T., Agrawal, A. K., and Bittle, J. A., 2019, Phase boundary detection in transient, evaporating high-pressure fuel sprays by rainbow schlieren deflectometry. Applied Optics, 58(25), 6791-6801.
  • Agrawal, A.K., and Wanstall, C.T., 2018, Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry for Scalar Measurements in Fluids Flows, Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 25(3-4).
  • Wanstall, C.T., Agrawal, A.K. and Bittle, J.A., 2017. Quantifying liquid boundary and vapor distributions in a fuel spray by rainbow schlieren deflectometry, Applied Optics, 56(30), pp.8385-8393.
  • Parker, A., Reggeti, S.A., Bittle, J.A. and Agrawal, A.K., 2023. Limitations of cetane number to predict transient combustion phenomena in high-pressure fuel sprays. Combustion and Flame, vol. 251, p.112723.
  • Parker, A., Agrawal, A. & Bittle, J. Representative Phenomena of Cyclic Turbulent Combustion in High-Pressure Fuel Sprays. Flow Turbulence Combust 111, 675–696 (2023).

Gas Turbine Combustion

Rotating Detonation Combustion

Research Examples

Related Publications

  • Raj, Piyush, Talukdar, Shaon, Dalton, Meadows, Joseph, and Agrawal, Ajay K., 2024, “Performance Evaluation of Different Rotating Detonation Combustor Designs using Simulations and Experiments,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(4).
  • Gupta, Apurav, Miller, Robert, Bell, Kayla, Langner, Dalton, and Agrawal, Ajay K., 2024, “Quantitative Measurements in the Exhaust Flow of a Rotating Detonation Combustor Using Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power.
  • Langner, Dalton, Gupta, Apurav, James, Ashley, and Agrawal, Ajay K., 2024, Performance Characterization of a Radial Rotating Detonation Combustor with Axial Exhaust, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power.
  • Talukdar, Shaon, Langner, Dalton, Gupta, Apurav, and Agrawal, Ajay K., 2024, “Flow and Performance Characterization of Rotating Detonation Combustor Integrated with Various Convergent Nozzles,” AIAA Journal,
  • Talukdar, Shaon, Langner, Dalton, Gupta, Apurav, and Agrawal, Ajay K., 2024, “Performance characteristics of a rotating detonation combustor exiting into a pressurized plenum to simulate gas turbine inlet,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(4).
  • Raj, Piyush, Talukdar, Shaon, Dalton, Langner, Gupta, Apurav, Meadows, Joseph, and Agrawal, Ajay K., 2024, Validation of rotating detonation combustor CFD for predicting unsteady supersonic-subsonic flow field at the exit,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146, pp. 041012-1.
  • Bell, K., Schwer, D. and Agrawal, A.K., 2023. Profiling cross-sectional area of a radial rotating detonation combustor to increase pressure gain. Aerospace Science and Technology, 133, p.108096.
  • Tobias, J.R. and Agrawal, A.K., 2023. Flow Development in Radial Plane of Rotating Detonation Engine Integrated with Aerospike. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 39(3), pp.318-330,
  • Tobias, J., Depperschmidt, D., Welch, C., Miller, R., Uddi, M., Agrawal, A.K. and Daniel, R., 2019. “OH* Chemiluminescence Imaging of the Combustion Products from a Methane-Fueled Rotating Detonation Engine,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 141(2), p.021021.

Thermoacoustic Instabilities

Research Examples

Related Publications

  • Johnson, Mitchell, James, Ashley, and Agrawal, Ajay K., 2024, Effect of Insert Porosity on Combustion Instability in a Lean Premixed Combustor Analyzed by a POD-Based Phase Reconstruction Technique, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power,
  • Williams, L. Justin, Meadows, J., and Agrawal, A.K., 2016, “Passive Control of Thermo-acoustic Instabilities in Swirl-Stabilized Combustion at Elevated Pressures,” International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics, 8(3), pp. 173-182.
  • Meadows, J., and Agrawal, A.K., 2015, “Porous Inserts for Passive Control of Noise and Thermo-acoustic Instabilities in LDI Combustion,” Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 187:7, pp 1021-1035, doi=10.1080/00102202.2014.993031.
  • Borsuk, A., Williams, L.J., Meadows, J., and Agrawal, A.K., 2015, “Swirler Effects on Passive Control of Combustion Noise and Instability in a Swirl-Stabilized Combustor,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, vol. 137, pp. 041504-1 to 7, DOI: 10.1115/1.4028613.
  • Meadows, J., and Agrawal, A.K., 2015, Time-Resolved PIV Measurements of Non-Reacting Flow Field in a Swirl-Stabilized Combustor Without and With Porous Inserts for Acoustic Control,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, vol. 137, pp. 041501-1 to 10.
  • Meadows, J., and Agrawal, A.K., 2015, “Time-Resolved PIV of Lean Premixed Combustion without and with Porous Inert Media for Acoustic Control,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 162, pp. 1063-1077.
  • Sequera, D., and Agrawal, A.K., 2012, “Passive Control of Noise and Instability in a Swirl-Stabilized Combustor with the Use of High-Strength Porous Insert,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, vol. 134, 051505, (11pp).

Combustion DiagnosticsThermoacoustic Instabilities

Research Examples

Related Publications

  • Apurav Gupta, Robert S. Miller, Kayla M. Bell, Dalton G. Langner, and Ajay K. Agrawal, 2024, “Quantitative Measurements in the Exhaust Flow of a Rotating Detonation Combustor Using Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power.
  • Talukdar, Shaon, Langner, Dalton, Gupta, Apurav, and Agrawal, Ajay K., 2024, “Flow and Performance Characterization of Rotating Detonation Combustor Integrated with Various Convergent Nozzles,” AIAA Journal.
  • James, A.M., and Agrawal, A.K., 2023. Spatially resolved chemiluminescence imaging of multiple combustion species using a single high-speed camera. Measurement Science and Technology, 34(12), p.125305.
  • K. L. Johnson, C. T. Wanstall, Joshua A. Bittle, and Ajay K. Agrawal, 2023, “Application of diffuse background illumination for statistical description of a twin-fluid spray,” Atomization and Spray, 15 pp, 33(12),
  • Wanstall, C.T., Bittle, J.A. and Agrawal, A.K., 2021, Quantitative Concentration Measurements in a Turbulent Helium Jet using Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry, Experiments in Fluids, 62(3), pp.1-13.
  • Parker, A., Wanstall, C., Reggeti, S., Bittle, J., and Agrawal, A.K., 2020, Simultaneous Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry and OH* Chemiluminescence Imaging of a Diesel Spray Flame in Constant Pressure Flow Rig, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38(4), pp.5557-5565.
  • Wanstall, C., Agrawal, A. K., and Bittle, J. A., 2019, Phase boundary detection in transient, evaporating high-pressure fuel sprays by rainbow schlieren deflectometry. Applied Optics, 58(25), 6791-6801.
  • Agrawal, A.K., and Wanstall, C.T., 2018, Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry for Scalar Measurements in Fluids Flows, Journal of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 25(3-4).
  • Wanstall, C.T., Agrawal, A.K. and Bittle, J.A., 2017. Quantifying liquid boundary and vapor distributions in a fuel spray by rainbow schlieren deflectometry, Applied Optics, 56(30), pp.8385-8393.
  • Kolhe, P., and Agrawal, A.K., 2009, “Abel Inversion of Deflectometric Data: Comparison of Accuracy and Noise Propagation of Existing Techniques,” Applied Optics, vol. 48, No., 20, pp 3894-3902.
  • Kolhe, P., and Agrawal, A.K., 2009, “Density Measurements in a Supersonic Microjet using Miniature Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry,” AIAA Journal, vol. 47, vol. 4, pp. 830-838.
  • Satti, R., Kolhe, P., Olcmen, S., and Agrawal, A.K., 2007, “A Miniature Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry System for Scalar Measurements in Micro Jets and Flames,” Applied Optics, vol. 46, No. 15, pp. 2954-2962.
  • Wong, T., and Agrawal, A.K., 2006, “Quantitative Measurements in an Unsteady Flame using High-Speed Rainbow Schlieren Deflectometry,” Measurement Science and Technology, vol. 17, pp. 1503-1510.

Industrial Combustion

Research Examples

Related Publications

  • A. McClinton, and A.K. Agrawal, Wood stove with forced convection for rich quench lean combustion, Central States Sections Meeting, Paper 1C06, May 2024, Cleveland, OH.
  • A. Ghorashi, A.K. Agrawal, B. Khandelwal, Development of high efficiency heat extraction system to be used with wood fired heating systems Central States Sections Meeting, Paper 2A05, May 2024, Cleveland, OH.
  • Agrawal, A.K., Atomization and Combustion, Chapter 12, in Renewable Fuels: Sources, Conversion, and Utilization, eds: Jacqueline O’Connor, Bobby Noble, and Tim Lieuwen, Cambridge University Press, 2022.
  • Panchasara, H., Kolhe, P.S., and Agrawal, A.K., 2020, Spray Flame Characteristics of Bio-Derived Fuels in a Simulated Gas Turbine Burner, ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 142(8).
  • Niguse, Y. and Agrawal, A.K., 2018, “Twin-fluid atomized spray combustion of straight vegetable oil at elevated pressures,” ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 140(11), p.111504.
  • Niguse, Y., and Agrawal, A.K., 2016, “Low-Emission, liquid fuel combustion system for conventional and alternative fuels developed by the scaling analysis,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 138(4), 041502.
  • Jiang, L., and Agrawal, A.K., 2015, “Spray Features in the Near Field of a Flow-Blurring Injector Investigated by High-Speed Visualization and Time-Resolved PIV,” Experiments in Fluids, 56(5), p. 103.
  • Agrawal, A.K., 2015, “Low-Emission, Fuel-Flexible Combustion of Liquid Biofuels,” Book Chapter in Novel Combustion Concepts for Sustainable Energy Development, Gupta, Agrawal, Pandey (eds), Springer.
  • Jiang, L., and Agrawal, A.K., 2015, “Investigation of Glycerol Atomization in the Near-Field of a Flow-Blurring Injector using Time-Resolved PIV and High-Speed Visualization,” Flow, Turbulence, and Combustion, vol. 94, pp. 323-337.
  • Jiang, L., and Agrawal, A.K., 2014, “Combustion of Straight Glycerol With/Without Methane Using a Fuel-Flexible, Low-Emissions Burner,” Fuel, vol. 136, pp 177-184.
  • Jiang, L., Agrawal, A.K., and Taylor, R.P., 2014, “Clean Combustion of Different Liquid Fuels using a Novel Fuel Injector,” Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 57, 275-284.
  • Simmons, B., and Agrawal, A.K, 2012, “Flow Blurring Atomization for Low-Emission Combustion of Liquid Biofuels,” Combustion Science and Technology, vol. 184, 660-675.
  • Simmons, B., and Agrawal, A.K., 2010, “Spray Characteristics of a Flow-Blurring Atomizer,” Atomization and Spray, vol. 20, 821-835.
  • Agrawal, A.K., 2009, “Innovative Combustion and Emissions Reduction Techniques,” in Combustion Science and Technology: Recent Advances, (eds.) A.K. Agarwal, A. Kushari, S.K. Aggarwal, and A.K. Runchal, pp. 1-36, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
  • Panchasara, H., Sequera, D., Schreiber, W., and Agrawal, A.K., 2009, “Emission Reductions in Diesel and Kerosene Flames using a Novel Fuel Injector,” Journal of Propulsion and Power, vol. 25, no. 4, pp 984-986.
  • Panchasara, H., Simmons, B., Agrawal, A.K., Spear, S., and Daly, D., 2009, “Combustion Performance of Bio-Diesel and Diesel-Vegetable Oil Blends in a Simulated Gas Turbine Burner,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, vol. 131, 031503, 11p.

Flow Diagnostics

Research Examples

Related Publications

  • Edward F. Bogdanowicz, Allen Loper, Joshua Bittle, and Ajay K. Agrawal, 2024, “Experimental Study of Peripheral Fuel Injection for Higher Performance in Diesel Engines,” International Journal for Engine Research, p.14680874241232007.
  • Voris, A.R. and Puzinauskas, P., “Characterization and Comparison of Steady-Flow Techniques Used for Engine Airflow Development,” SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-1151, 2021.
  • Suttle, A., Fisher, B., Parnell, D., Bittle, J. (2018) Demonstrating a direct-injection constant-volume combustion chamber as a validation tool for chemical kinetic modeling of liquid fuels. Paper presented at 2018 ASME Internal Combustion Engines Division Fall Technical Conference, San Diego, California, ICEF2018-9729.
  • Fisher, B., Allen, J., Hancock, R., Bittle, J. (2017). “Evaluating the potential of a direct-injection constant-volume combustion chamber as a tool to validate chemical-kinetic models for liquid fuels.” Combustion Science and Technology. 159:1, 1-23.

Sustainable Fuels

Research Examples

Related Publications

  • B Khandelwal, “Aviation Fuel” Aviation fuels First Edition, Academic Press Elsevier, ISBN: 9780128183144.
  • V Undavalli, OBG Olatunde, R Boylu, C Wei, J Haeker, J Hamilton, B Khandelwal, “Recent advancements in sustainable aviation fuels”, Progress in Aerospace Sciences 136, 100876, (2023).
  • J Hamilton, K Elliott, P Singh, B Khandelwal, “Investigation on elastomer behaviour when exposed to conventional and sustainable aviation fuels” The Aeronautical Journal. (2024)

Modeling & Analysis

Research Examples

Related Publications

  • Edward F. Bogdanowicz, Allen Loper, Joshua Bittle, and Ajay K. Agrawal, 2024, “Numerical Investigation of Peripheral Fuel Injection to Increase Performance in Diesel Engines,” FUEL, 371, p.131895.
  • Harris, Zack, Bittle, J., and Agrawal, A.K., 2023, “Fuel Injector Requirements to Achieve Supercritical Flow at the Exit,” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 40(2), pp.220-232.
  • Wanstall, C.T., Bittle, J.A. and Agrawal, A.K., 2023. Phase diagram to demarcate supercritical, transcritical, and continuous phase regimes for binary fluid equilibrium mixing relevant to combustion applications. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 199, p.105935.
  • Bell, K., Schwer, D. and Agrawal, A.K., 2023. Profiling cross-sectional area of a radial rotating detonation combustor to increase pressure gain. Aerospace Science and Technology, 133, p.108096.
  • Wanstall, C.T., Bittle, J.A. and Agrawal, A.K., 2022, Transient mixing behavior of a supercritical fluid injected into supercritical and subcritical environments, Physics of Fluids, 34(2), p.023104.
  • Harris, Z., Bittle, J. and Agrawal, A., 2022, Role of Inlet Boundary Conditions on Fuel-Air Mixing at Supercritical Conditions. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 144(6), p.062302.
  • Harris, Zack, Bittle, J., and Agrawal, A.K., 2023, “Fuel Injector Requirements to Achieve Supercritical Flow at the Exit,” AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power, 40(2), pp.220-232.
  • Bell, K., Schwer, D. and Agrawal, A.K., 2023. Profiling cross-sectional area of a radial rotating detonation combustor to increase pressure gain. Aerospace Science and Technology, 133, p.108096.

Engines Lab

Single Cylinder Engines

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Heavy-Duty Engines

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  • Cook, J., Puzinauskas, P., Wagenmaker, M., and Bittle, J., “Improved Diesel Engine Load Control for Heavy-Duty Transient Testing Using Gain Scheduling and Feed-forward Algorithms,” SAE Int. J. Engines 16(6):2023.
  • Hall, S. and Bittle, J., “Soot and Gaseous Emissions Characterization of Butyl-Acetate/Diesel Blend in a Heavy-Duty Engine,” SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-0267, 2023.

Engines & Vehicles

Research Examples

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  • Voris, A., Lundberg, M., and Puzinauskas, P., Effect of Ethanol Content, Water Injection, and Compression Ratio on Combustion and Detailed Emissions in an SI-GDI engine, Submitted to Fuels– under revision, 2024-04
  • Edward F. Bogdanowicz, Allen Loper, Joshua Bittle, and Ajay K. Agrawal, 2024, “Numerical Investigation of Peripheral Fuel Injection to Increase Performance in Diesel Engines,” FUEL
  • Edward F. Bogdanowicz, Allen Loper, Joshua Bittle, and Ajay K. Agrawal, 2024, “Experimental Study of Peripheral Fuel Injection for Higher Performance in Diesel Engines,” International Journal for Engine Research, p.14680874241232007.
  • King, B., Olson, J., Hamilton, K., Fitzpatrick, B., Yoon, H. Puzinauskas, P., A Comparative Study of Longitudinal Vehicle Control Systems in Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Connected Corridor, SAE Int. J. of CAV 6(4):2023.
  • Voris, A., Lundberg, M., and Puzinauskas, P., “Comparison of Water Dilution Effects on Spark-Ignition Engine Performance and Emissions using Hydrous Fuel Blends and Discrete Water Injection,” SAE Technical Paper 2023-01-0252, 2023.